Attempt past papers. Topic wise initially, later whole(complete) papers.

Make your own Chapter Summaries and Mind-maps. It not only fits the concept in your mind in your very own style but also helps you identify those points which are yet to be cleared.

Explain topics to your peers or Explain them to Yourself. It is one of the best ways to be more clear with the concepts and gain confidence on those topics.

Mind your time. You not only have to utilize your tight everyday schedule of school, homework, tuition, and revision, but also have to be conscious of how much time you waste on your mobile phone and multitasking. Keep your past paper attempts timed.

Understand the revision style that works best for you and stick to it. There is no harm in challenging yourself with a new goal or if your parents challenge you to bring out the best in you.

Get enough rest to increase your ability to focus. But why procrastinate? Get up and attempt a few questions, you can extend your intentional sleep later.

After an exam, turn your attention to the next one instead of dwelling on what you could have done better.

Enjoy your IGCSE/O-Level, Enjoy Learning, Enjoy Life & Enjoy Life learnings


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